Together We Can!
Announcements |
Looking Back: Let's Let The Parents Have The Final Word!
I wanted each of you to know how much I have enjoyed getting
to know you this season. I will cherish our times together.
Traveling, cheering, eating, and of course, indulging in
chocolate together was a blast. I hope that our paths will
cross again soon.
This has been the BEST year of travel volleyball our FAMILY
has ever had!! Not only did our daughter learn, grow and
enjoy... us parents enjoyed being at each activity, weekend,
practice, etc. because each of you were a joy to be around!
We are extremely grateful to have been blessed with this
opportunity of a lifetime - this is what "team" is supposed
to be about! When I speak to other parents about our season,
the only response I ever hear is "WOW, you are SO lucky!"
In addition to our daughter's improved volleyball
skills--not that important in the overall scheme of
things--she has matured and learned so much from the coaches
and for that my wife and I are grateful to you. Sometimes it
takes a non-parent (adult) to help reinforce or get a
message across.
Just wanted you all to know that we have really enjoyed our
time with you all--you really are a great group of people.
Our daughter will have memories that will last a lifetime
and life lessons that she may not realize now but she will
definitely use later. It has been exhausting but I am really
sad that it's over and I am really going to miss our
volleyball weekends.
Oh my goodness, so many moments from this season (ones I am
aware of and ones I am not yet aware of) to carry forward
with in my heart, it truly has been an honor and a pleasure
to have met and shared with all of you.
Grays: we will miss sweet Sarah but grateful to have gotten
the chance to meet you and won't forget cracker barrel!
Dietzs: loved the stories! Always know I will walk away
smiling after a conversation with the Dietzs.
Cindy P, you truly are the nicest person I have ever met in
my life! Great example of someone who gives her best
and looks for it in others.
Jeannine, a wise woman, love your philosophy on life. What a
giver of yourself. You are one of those people in life that
I feel blessed to have known.
Patty, how do u do it? What sacrifices u make for your
family! We see it, God sees it.
Lee, one of God's gifts to some people is hospitality. You
have it and use it beautifully.
Cindi H, a caring heart, not just for your girl, but for all
of ours. Thanks for encouraging words.
Beth Anne, what a worker bee u are, thanks for all the time
you gave to finding us beds!
Joyces, the really funny thing is-no one in Henry or Patrick
Co. would ever accuse our families of being rednecks!!
Best of all, Hannah had her buddy back - makes it all
Two Liberos for Next Season!
USA Volleyball has announced that a team may designate two
liberos per set next year. You can read more about it
Valuable Lesson
"If you fail to look after your teammates, you lose much more
than a few vball matches. But if teammates embrace
each other, then they will gain much more than winning those matches. "
Online & 18's On UTube!
There are articles about our team
here and
here's some video of our
18's team at BigSouth on YouTube!
Summer Doubles
Here is where you'll find the adult schedule of tournaments
that are played on Saturdays and Sundays. Yes, girls
are free to play.... they do it all the time. This is
not Aaron King's junior doubles schedule.
Jan 15 - 17 Myrtle Beach:
place in 16's Open, record 15-5.
Jan 29 Day Tournament at RVC North
2nd place in 17's,
record 10-3
Feb 12 Day Tournament at JMU
2nd place in 16's open,
record 6-2
Feb 19 - 21 Capitol Hill Classic
18th place in 40-team 16's open, record
March 5 Day Tournament at RVC North
Place, record 7-1!
March 19 - 20 The Old Dominion Region Bid Tournament
place of 17 teams, record 10-7!
March 26 - 27 Shamrock
place of 90 teams, 9-7, record!
April 1 - 3 Big South Qualifier
39th of 96 in the National
Division, 7-11 record!
April 16 - 17 Hi Neighbor in Asheville
18-0 and
16's Open Division CHAMPS!
April 30 - May 1 Revolutionary Rumble in Williamsburg
place of 42 teams, record 14-21!
Overall record this year: 103 - 49 (68%)

A little sight-seeing in Colonial Williamsburg! Undefeated
after Day #1 of the
Revolutionary Rumble!

Junior HiNeighbor Champions 16
Open! Undefeated!
More pictures can be seen here!

We finished 5th at the
Bid Tournament! GREAT JOB! We stayed at the
Henry Clay Inn. It's in the background.

We won the tournament at RVC North on March
5th! We met our goal!
And we got to play "Whose Line Is It?" More pics are

On the left are our fans on Stuffed Animal Practice,
then here is our team with their own personal fans!

Great Tournament! We
LOVED Wash DC! Here we are on court
40 where we went 2-1 on Day 1! Sweeeeet!

It was Feb 6... and we had Super Bowl practice,
and we're ready for action!
let's go home and watch the real thing!

We scrimmaged the NRV 17's on Jan 9, and played our best ball of the season!
The improvement continues!

We exchanged Christmas
presents on Dec 23rd! This was awesome!

Scrimmage Dec 19, 2010!

Erin gave the team some GREAT

After our
player's meeting, Dec 5th, 2010! Now, let's get better!
These former players are 2010
District Players Of The Year!!!
Morgan Shannon, River Ridge District,
Aidan Guilfoyle, Blue Ridge Conference,
Liz Brailsford, Western Valley District,
Macey Tyree, Blue Ridge District
(and 4th year in a row for the Tyree
Last Updated:
02/07/2013 11:47 PM